Why the Late 90’s is One of the Most Interesting Periods in Film

I don’t know if that title is a little too assertive or whatever but I was thinking about this today and thought it would be a fun thing to write about on here.

The late 90’s (actually about 94-01) is one of the most interesting eras in film for a few reasons. Technology was at the point where it was advancing rapidly, but things like cell phones and the internet hadn’t yet completely taken over. So crime thrillers will have scenes of people in libraries or police departments searching through paper files or even checking computers, instead of just google searching “missing people”. Maybe a character will have a cell phone, but it is also super common to see characters using land lines and pay phones and horror movies aren’t completely ruined by the idea of “why don’t these characters just call each other/the police?” But at the same time, these technologies are around and are interesting and new and a lot of movies at the time have this really funny idea of how the internet works and what “hacker culture” is like. Even the Matrix which is one of my all time favourites has such a funny idea of what it’s like to be an online hacker.

Speaking of technology, CGI was also at an interesting place. It was functional enough that it could be experimented with and used in some movies, but from what I understand it was expensive (and didn’t look great) so movies didn’t over-rely on it. I notice a huge difference in action movies from this period to the early-mid 2000s. In the 90’s there was some martial arts stuff and a lot of explosions and car crashes, but in the mid 2000’s it started switching totally to cgi like fantasy action. I think the transition point for this is around 99 because that’s when we see the Matrix and also Star Wars: Phantom Menace. Both movies really change how computer effects change action movies. Watch any martial arts action movie from the early 00’s and you’ll see slow-downs and freeze frames like the Matrix. Phantom Menace had a lot of cg characters attacking other cg characters with cg lasers/blue plasma ball things and I feel like this really set the direction of a lot of fantasy/sci fi action movies that is still huge even today (like think of the action in comic book movies).

I’m having a difficult time putting this point into words, but this period has some really interesting tone to the movies. On the one hand there is a kind of almost naive optimism in its approach to social issues and the movies often have a sort of hope to them. However, there are also a lot of like big movies with hard violence and grittiness and this almost like condescending pessimism too. It’s weird because the optimism and the pessimism are so contradicting but really present in a lot of movies in this era. It’s like there’s an awareness of how dark the world is but still an optimism that is can be fixed. That’s why when I define the era, I start at 1994 because that year saw both Forrest Gump and Pulp Fiction and both of these movies have both the optimism and pessimism that I’m talking about. I end the era at 2001 because I really feel like 9/11 really puts an end to the conflicting tones, making everything more black and white.

Hmm I’m starting to get tired and rambly. Anyway these are just some thoughts I had. What are your thoughts on this? or What is your favourite time period of movies? hit up those comments dawgs.

Not Dead

Hey! So uhhh I haven’t been on here in quite sometime so I thought I would just do a quick update to prove I’m not dead.

Why haven’t I written anything? Well I’ve got a few reasons.

First off, I’ve been doing more stuff on the weekends lately, which is when I would typically get my most writing done. I’ve been marathoning the Harry Potter movies with a friend which took up a few Saturdays, Sundays are usually reserved for DnD and that’s when my roommate and I edit our podcast (oh yeah I haven’t even talked about that on here yet… but it’s about books and its found here if you wanna check it out), and on one weekend I even went to Neepawa for a quick visit to my parents.

During the week I’ve also been busier with work a couple of nights but more with random entertainment stuff. Like I started playing Red Dead Redemption 2 a lot more and finally finished up the main story (and just started the epilogue!). It’s a great game and I would highly suggest it. If you like Westerns, you’ll probably love it and if you aren’t crazy about Westerns but you like fun games with good stories, you’ll still probably enjoy it a lot. I also have been watching just a TON of movies this year. I’m up to about 120 movies so far in 2019… and we’re only 85 days into the year. I’ve got a couple of movie posts planned that I’ll do soon but yeah I’ve watched all the Harry Potter movies, all the James Bond movies, all of the Oscar noms, and a bunch of the classic Disney movies, as well as just slowly whittling down my massive Netflix list.

Also I kinda haven’t been using my computer desk that much lately. I don’t know why. Like I have this little laptop stand in my living room that I’ll use but it’s not the most comfortable for typing out long posts. It’s more for like watching youtube or scrolling social media.

Plus I just have not been super productive this month and it’s been hard to keep up with things like writing regularly. I don’t know. I feel like I’m in this weird rut right now and I don’t know what I have to change to go back to being more productive. Even the little things like buying groceries or vacuuming are getting neglected. I just don’t have any energy and even on evenings where I have nothing going on and have like 7 hours after work to just chill, I still feel like I have no free time?

Sorry for the rambling. I’m going to try to write another post or two before March is done. I’ve just spent 15 minutes trying to remember how I end posts. uh so uh bye.

Random Life Update

Yo dawgs. It’s ya boi, big Sheldon. Here with another FIRE blog post update on my boring life.

First off, I gotta say that I am so happy it is March. This winter has just felt like it has been dragging on FOREVER. I’ve been forgetting what non-winter even feels like. And even though it is still like -28 out there this morning, there have been a few afternoons that have been kind of warmer and just knowing that spring is coming soon is a relief. Of course people are saying that it’s going to be a “quick thaw” this year and this summer is supposed to be killer hot, so we might not get much of a spring but I’m trying to be optimistic and yeah.

Another thing, my roommate Danni and I have been doing this podcast about books and its alright. You should maybe check it out. I’m not going to link it though so just try to find it. I will give you no hints.

The trailer for the new Pokemon games and the new Detective Pikachu trailer have got me pretty nostalgic for Pokemon stuff. I had no intention of buying a Nintendo Switch but then I saw that trailer and well… now I’ll see how much willpower I have or how much money I can scrounge together.

I also started writing a new story. I hate giving up on my old project but the truth is that I was making such slow progress and it was so hard to write even a single page. I don’t know why I decided to write a fantasy when I don’t particularly like reading or writing fantasy. Then on Thursday I got a new idea for a story that’s a modern high school paranormal mystery/adventure. It’s about a high school kid who learns how to lucid dream and discovers this demon stealing people’s consciousness through their dreams and tries to fight it with a group of friends while also struggling with if it is real or whatever. Think something like Perks of Being a Wallflower mixed with Inception. Or if you’ve ever played a Persona game… just like that! I’m having fun with it.

Other than that, I just don’t know. I’m starting itching for some kind of change and I feel like I might end up moving to a new city soon. I don’t know where exactly I would go but I just want something different. I kind of decided that I would stay where I’m at for this next year and if nothing exciting happens or if things don’t start to change, then I’m going to head somewhere new.

Anyway, I’ve ran out of steam and this is getting kind of rambly so I will say Peace out and see you all on the flip uhh flop side. Bye.